Meet Reports

Anysberg | 5-7 July

2024-07-23T13:58:43+02:00July 23rd, 2024|Meet Reports|

Anysberg is a small mountain range west of the Klein Swartberg. It is about 35 km long and rises to a height of 1620 metres. The northern side is riven by kloofs, the biggest being Landsekloof and Prinseskloof, which lead right through the mountain. The range and the vlakte and hills to the north fall [...]

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Kransberg Saddle from NMMU | 23 June

2024-07-01T14:22:34+02:00July 1st, 2024|Meet Reports|

L to R: Tony Bowen (meet convenor), Pierre Kruise, Andre Du Plessis, Willem Wait**, Ed Kay Shuttleworth, Evie Bowen, Gillian Forbes, Som Khawtong, Pimmy Samleephan**, Mimi Kay Shuttleworth (**Temporary members) The party of 10 set off from NMMU promptly at 8.30 a.m. on a perfect winter’s morning. Pausing at Tierkop hut, we continued towards the [...]

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The Cat River Crawl | 22 June

2024-06-24T15:31:52+02:00June 24th, 2024|Meet Reports|

L to R: Kenneth Willemse (behind the photographer’s thumb) – a guest and his granddaughter Jean Maria Koen, Romy van der Hyde, Mike van der Hyde and Fay Jones [Further photos (without thumb) kindly taken and submitted by Kenneth]. As very much an Old Timer in the club I can report that these new-fangled meet [...]

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Skyline West & Camfers Ridge | 9 June

2024-06-18T15:12:52+02:00June 18th, 2024|Meet Reports|

L to R: Kenneth Willemse (temp member), Charles Smith, Ed and Mimi Kay Shuttleworth, Henrietha Mey, Tim Gaskell, Gillian Forbes, Christelle and Johan Olivier, Tony Bowen (meet leader) The hike had been postponed from its schedule date of 2 June due to unfavourable weather. Unfortunately, 7 participants dropped out of the rescheduled hike. We met [...]

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Garden Route Dam (easy hike) | 18 May

2024-05-27T14:17:48+02:00May 27th, 2024|Meet Reports|

Dave and I were pleased when 3 others joined us for an easy walk on the eastern shores of the George dam. It was a beautiful day for walking, magnificent views and good company. L to R: Dave Jones, Mike van der Heyde, Claudine Bennetts and Jenny Brovelli (guest and photographer) The decided strategy was [...]

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Stormberg & Hoeberg (from Du Toit Meulrivier Farm – Langkloof) | 17-19 May

2024-05-23T13:42:18+02:00May 23rd, 2024|Meet Reports|

This farm is a delightful base camp for several peaks. For this weekend meet, two were selected as goals – Stormberg and Hoёberg. On Friday evening 12 campers set up tents at the picturesque campsite and lapa, nestled between two farm dams and overlooking apple and pear orchards. The afternoon fog soon cleared, and it [...]

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Spitskop – Grootswartberg | 10-12 May

2024-05-23T13:15:31+02:00May 23rd, 2024|Meet Reports|

Over the last ten years or so, the SC Section has enjoyed several ascents of Spitskop and its neighbouring peaks of Tierkop and Bloupunt. On these occasions we stayed at a grand old farmhouse called Wilgemond. Sadly this is no longer possible, so a new place had to be found for this Spitskop outing. We [...]

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Perdekop – Harkerville | 20 April

2024-05-10T14:37:47+02:00May 10th, 2024|Meet Reports|

A misty morning started our hike on Saturday. Fifteen hikers showed up for the forest walk. As agreed beforehand some of the hikers were to join us for a few kilometres before turning back to the cars at their own pace. L to R: Albert (V) and Saartjie van der Merwe, Mike van der Heyde, [...]

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Rooikoppe (3 efforts, 4 plans) | 5-7 April

2024-04-19T10:00:12+02:00April 19th, 2024|Meet Reports|

I could almost write a book about the extended effort to make this hike a reality. I had the idea of such a hike in my head for many years, and eventually put it on the meets program for May 2023. The planned 3-day route involved hiking through two adjacent private nature reserves in the [...]

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Waterkloof Hack, Ladismith | 16-17 March

2024-04-02T15:40:34+02:00April 2nd, 2024|Meet Reports|

The invasive alien tree Hakea sericea remains an ominous threat to the Klein Swartberg Mountains. As a small part of bigger coordinated effort to control hakea in these beautiful mountains, Hugh Sussen and I headed up the Waterkloof valley on Saturday morning, 16 March. We didn’t let the disappointment of only being two in number [...]

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