
Spitskop – Grootswartberg | 10-12 May

2024-05-23T13:15:31+02:00May 23rd, 2024|Meet Reports|

Over the last ten years or so, the SC Section has enjoyed several ascents of Spitskop and its neighbouring peaks of Tierkop and Bloupunt. On these occasions we stayed at a grand old farmhouse called Wilgemond. Sadly this is no longer possible, so a new place had to be found for this Spitskop outing. We [...]

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Perdekop – Harkerville | 20 April

2024-05-10T14:37:47+02:00May 10th, 2024|Meet Reports|

A misty morning started our hike on Saturday. Fifteen hikers showed up for the forest walk. As agreed beforehand some of the hikers were to join us for a few kilometres before turning back to the cars at their own pace. L to R: Albert (V) and Saartjie van der Merwe, Mike van der Heyde, [...]

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Rooikoppe (3 efforts, 4 plans) | 5-7 April

2024-04-19T10:00:12+02:00April 19th, 2024|Meet Reports|

I could almost write a book about the extended effort to make this hike a reality. I had the idea of such a hike in my head for many years, and eventually put it on the meets program for May 2023. The planned 3-day route involved hiking through two adjacent private nature reserves in the [...]

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Waterkloof Hack, Ladismith | 16-17 March

2024-04-02T15:40:34+02:00April 2nd, 2024|Meet Reports|

The invasive alien tree Hakea sericea remains an ominous threat to the Klein Swartberg Mountains. As a small part of bigger coordinated effort to control hakea in these beautiful mountains, Hugh Sussen and I headed up the Waterkloof valley on Saturday morning, 16 March. We didn’t let the disappointment of only being two in number [...]

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Blombos to Still Bay | 9-10 March

2024-03-22T08:52:35+02:00March 22nd, 2024|Meet Reports|

I have been living in Stilbaai for almost 7 years now, also operating a slackpacking trail along the coast. So it was about time that I invited our Section’s members to come this way and see some of the beauty and variety along this stretch of our coast. Twenty-one people attended this meet, spending two [...]

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Groeneweide Forest and Silver R Pools | 4 February

2024-02-12T11:04:49+02:00February 12th, 2024|Meet Reports|

L-R: Jacquie Kennedy**, Craig Bax, Annette van Wyk**, Janet Moore, Erica Davies, Kim Gaskell, Tim Gaskell, Janine Smith, Linda Bisset**, Ettienne and Santie de Villiers, Cheryl Devine, Greg Devine, Lyle Ownhouse**. Photo by Tony Bowen – meet leader. (**Temporary members and guests). The party of 15 comprised a balanced mixture of “old” members, “fairly new [...]

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Carry on up the Kaaimans | 20 January

2024-01-23T10:05:09+02:00January 23rd, 2024|Meet Reports|

Anyone who was even half-conscious in the early sixties, and not living in a cave, has at least heard of, if not seen, the “Carry-on …..” series of movies. There was Carry on Doctor, Carry on Nurse and so on, a farcical collection, culminating in “Carry on up the Khyber” which would have been high [...]

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Cockscomb | 7 December

2023-12-14T06:56:53+02:00December 14th, 2023|Meet Reports|

Cockscomb mountain in the Groot Winterhoek range of the Easten Cape has a rich historic drape that envelops its shoulders, not unlike the frequent cloud and mist that swirls around its summit as exhibited on Wednesday evening when we arrived at Pinnacle Cottage, our appropriately named base camp. Its rich historical tapestry mainly concerns its [...]

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MCSA South Cape Section – Christmas Braai | 2 December

2023-12-09T15:49:41+02:00December 9th, 2023|Meet Reports|

On Saturday, the 2nd December 2023 the South Cape Section held their annual Christmas function. This time it was slightly different as we chose to camp and braai at Swartvlei Campsite. The weather looked a little uncertain a few days ahead of time, but when the day arrived in was a mild, pleasant day. 17 [...]

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Twaalfuurkop | 18 November

2023-12-07T12:51:17+02:00December 7th, 2023|Meet Reports|

A Time Traverse in the Mighty Marloth Nature Reserve. This weekend’s hike was all about time, which for the seasoned mountaineer is an unavoidable factor that governs many plans and often creates the division between success and failure. On Saturday another and somewhat different dimension of time was explored. The first rays of a beautiful [...]

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